1887 to 1912 - Families

Reasons for Admission

There is reason to suppose that a considerable number of parents of idiot children would be anxious to take advantage of the means of education offered by this institution. Several inquiries on the subject have already been made but unless the additional buildings which I have asked for are provided it will be necessary to refuse applications for admission.
Inspector of Asylums to Under Secretary, 17 August 1887, PROV, VPRS 3992/P, Unit 194, 87/H7259.
© State of Victoria Reproduced with the permission of the Keeper of Public Records, Public Record Office Victoria, Australia.
Dear Sir
How can the parents of this girl have her admitted - on what terms - how soon, & what outfit will be required to bring. They are small storekeepers in a (deserted) village near here and the father has ‘miner's lung’ for many years - wife and other children well grown, strong & healthy, in mind & body.
Elsie … aged 14 yrs in Mar. 1907 is imbecile (weak in intellect) can speak indistinctly but will make her family understand all she wants, and can understand all said or going on. In dressing can put her clothes on - but they have to be fastened afterwards - can put on boots and stockings and will not go without them. No sign of Menstruation yet. Appetite ‘fair’ but is not a good eater. Gets 'twitching fits' and Screams out. Is not violently convulsed ... She can ‘wash up’ and wont [sic] either break or let things fall to the ground - will not wilfully tear clothes or destroy her bedding but will tear a handkerchief, or a ‘floor cloth’ or bit of rag to shreds - if not checked. Is inclined to wander, but always returns home again; once fell down a ‘mining shaft’. Is not mischievous but if hurt is resentful - unless checked. Is very soon forgetful of all previous resentment or hurt done to her - is not spiteful. In her play with others is noisy & boisterous - if playing alone is silent & quiet. Has never been to School. Remembers individuals and people's faces for many months but forgets what she is cautioned not to do very soon.
Any information that can help us will be gratefully received by John V Heily - Surgeon - Rushworth - as we would wish until certain functions are established to have the girl placed under trained supervision - and if her mental condition can be improved by special development and training so much the better - it could be tried for a couple of years - and her people will show her such care as your rules will permit - and willingly contribute to her ‘keep’ such sum as may be reasonable.
Yours truly
John V Heily
Letter from John V Heily, Surgeon to Chief Medical Officer, Kew Asylum, no date, PROV, VPRS 7565/P1, Unit 3.
From the Holdings of Public Record Office Victoria, Australia.

The admission of Henry Charles S

1. Facts indicating insanity observed by myself [doctor]:
His mental capacity is very much below that of a healthy child of his age. He does not know his alphabet, cannot spell simple words. Although he has had 3 or 4 years of schooling.
2. Other facts ... indicating insanity communicated to me by others:
His mother informs me that he is always dull and stupid, does not defend himself when set upon by other boys, but at times gets fits of rage and fury and threatens to injure any of the children he can catch. Also that he cannot learn like ordinary children - he has had 3 or 4 years of school and has not progressed at all.
Medical Certificate, PROV, VPRS 7565/P1, Unit 2, 25 August 1899.
© State of Victoria Reproduced with the permission of the Keeper of Public Records,
Public Record Office Victoria, Australia.
1. Facts indicating insanity observed by myself [doctor]:
That he cannot read or write in spite of being instructed at school. Is liable to fits of passion.
2. Other facts ... indicating insanity communicated to me by others:
Threatened to strike a playmate with an axe but was stopped in time. Talks to himself a great deal.
Medical Certificate, PROV, VPRS 7565/P1, Unit 2, 26 August 1899.
© State of Victoria Reproduced with the permission of the Keeper of Public Records,
Public Record Office Victoria, Australia.

The admission of Robert David B

I am a married woman residing with her husband a painter in 79 Aberdeen Rd East Prahran. The patient before the Court ... is my child. He is aged 11 years on 9 March last. He has been of weak intellect since birth, is of mischievous disposition, has had no education as we have been unable to train him.
He has never spoken although he is quick of hearing. He will do harm to others or himself but he has no malice. I had a great fright before the child was born which may have been the cause of the child's mental condition. My husband does not get constant work. He earns an average of 35 shillings a week.
We have to keep 4 children beside the patient and pay 6 shillings a week rent. I can pay 2 shillings a week I think and if I could pay more I would. We are very poor and he is in irregular employment.
PROV, VPRS 7565/P1, Unit 2, ©State of Victoria, Reproduced with the permission of the Keeper of Public Records, Public Record Office Victoria, Australia.

‘Please let me know how my little boy is keeping’

Dear Sir
Please let me know how my little boy is keeping. does he seem to be failing any and do you think he can live through so much suffering from the fits. much longer. It would be such a relief to the dear child if he was taken from this world of suffering. I have just buried his little sister that was suffering much the same as he is but she has been relieved of all her suffering now & I do wish he was. Kindly let me know what you really think of him.
I am dear sir yours etc
E Thompson
Letter, 12 February 1906, PROV, VPRS 7420, Unit 1, 227.
From the Holdings of the Public Record Office Victoria, Australia.
Patient Case Book entry
29-4-1899 Cannot walk without help - partial paralysis. Has to be fed but takes plenty of food, no mental improvement.
24-9-1899 Still takes epileptic fits up in an arm chair each day no improvement ...
27-7-1902 General health satisfactory, still epileptic ...
1-01-1906 Continues just the same has fits periodically. Is almost helpless …
21-5-1906 Wrote to Mrs Thompson today about her son.
24-9-1906 Wrote to Mrs Thompson in answer to her letter.
25-11-1906 Has been in bed for three days with fits.
22-01-1907 Wrote to Mrs Thompson about her boy who is the same.
29-5-1907 Wrote to Mrs Thompson in answer to her letter. Condition the same.
1-1-1908 Mentally and physically the same. Fits continue ...
17-8-1908 Mother inquiring-reply sent this day.
17-5-1909 Has been slowly going down hill for months past - at present in a very miserable and collapsing state - Wrote to Mother.
Died 10 pm (17.5.09) Cause of death Broncho-Pneumonia.
Patient Case Book entry, PROV, VPRS 7420, Unit 1, 227 .
© State of Victoria Reproduced with the permission of the Keeper of Public Records, Public Record Office Victoria, Australia.

October 15th 1905
Dear Sir
Please let me know how my boy is keeping. Does he seem contented & enjoy himself & is he still troubled with the fits & how does he sleep
I am yours etc
E Thompson
Letter, 15 October 1905, PROV, VPRS 7420, Unit 1, 227.
From the Holdings of Public Record Office Victoria, Australia.

‘I did not put him there to be neglected but taken care of’

... complains that her son Ernest, who is a patient in the Idiot Asylum, has been grossly neglected and maltreated. She states that when she took him out on the 28 February last he was in a very emaciated and diseased state and had to be treated by Dr O'Sullivan and also in the Melbourne Hospital. She further alleges that the boy when suffering from scarlet fever was allowed to mix with the other patients and was not treated for that disease, and that at present he is suffering from some abnormal discharge from his mouth for which no curative measures are adopted. Will Dr McCreery kindly report the facts of the case.
Under Secretary to Inspector of Asylums, 9 July 1903, PROV, VPRS 3992/P1, Unit 924, 1903/S4204.
© State of Victoria Reproduced with the permission of the Keeper of Public Records, Public Record Office Victoria, Australia.
Dear Sir
I wish to make complaints of the Idiot Asylum Kew in regards to my son. I went in to see him on Tuesday and had to waite a houre before he was sent up to me and When I saw him he was in a derefull [dreadful] condition not only dirty his arms were very dirty and his is all out in blotches and both legs all over brouses [bruises] allso he has a very bad cold he asked for his over coat and it was refused him also he is made to leave off his fannels [flannels] at night which he has always been brought up to were them night and day I don't think it is wright to make him take them [off] and his closes [clothes] are dirty except the coat and vest I have never before seen him so much neglected before I have spoken to Dr McCreery twice about his cold and that he was no [sic] well Dr cannot deceive me I know a little to [sic] much for them as I was a nurse my self unlately but Dr Crery seems to take no notices of what I say I was advice by Dr Joshie to write to you when he was home he was not neglected like I saw him on Tuesday told me to speak about the fanles [flannels] & that [he] should not leave them off at all and must always were them I think it is a great shame that they should leave him like he is and it is time to complain.
Yours faithfully
E Fairey
I did not put him there to be neglected but taken care of
Letter, Mrs E Fairy to Mr Morrison, 14 May 1903, PROV, VPRS 3992/P, Unit 920, 1903/R3064.
From the Holdings of the Public Record Office Victoria, Australia.